I don't wanna hear it?

I learned a lot tonight. I think, more than enough to write chapters of a book at least about a particular topic. 

I learned a lot simply because there are people in my life who can tell me things which I don't necessarily want to hear. Yes, of course they at times, tell me things that I want to hear without them knowing it. (Don't know if I sounded right but I hope you got my point) 

I think I have enough people in my life who tell me things that I would love to hear so I'll get encouraged at times. But it's just even a greater blessing from God to be surrounded by people who will tell me things that I don't want to hear.

I don't really wanna hear it at times because I know they are right and it simply means I'm wrong. 

Honestly, most of the time it is really hard to admit that you are wrong but you just know that acknowledging that you were wrong is the first step to making things right.   

It takes a lot of humility to accept that but I don't want pride to rule my life either. So I guess there is really no other way. 

So I thank God for people who can tell me I'm wrong when I think I'm not. Who can tell me things that are true regardless of how I would feel about it. 

I thank God for people who are more committed in pushing me towards Christ rather than making me feel good. 

People who gives words of wisdom not from their own but really from the word of God that brings life.

I need these people. I thank God for them. I appreciate them. I honor what they do. 

Don't get me wrong, God still speaks best through His word and His spirit. But you have to know that you are missing a lot if you only have people in your life who just can speak words to your ears that are good to hear. 

I like these words that I've read somewhere, I just forgot where.

"We need people who would tell us that we are wrong because we are not always right. People who would help us when we are weak because we are not always strong. People who would push us forward because most of the time we're looking back."

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