Ever found yourself in a moment or a situation in life when it felt like you don't have the strength left to go on? I know I had.
Tonight I just remembered a verse where in David had that kind of moment in his life.
David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.
Where do you look to find strength during your times of need? Where do you find it when you have nothing left in you.
Most of time we tend to find strength from the things of this world; money, pleasure, relationships, success. But we realize it never gives us enough. It leaves us empty during times we need it the most.
But I am encouraged on where David found his strength. He found it in the Lord his God. He found it in the most important relationship in his life. His relationship with God.
Besides, where else would you find the real and lasting strength that you need?
I hope you'll face the next day, having found the strength that you need in God. Not in any other things that always fall short of how God can provide it for you.
If you don't have a relationship with God, I hope you'll find it through Jesus Christ. He loves you so much. You have to know He found you first, patiently waiting that you look to Him whatever your situation maybe.
Here's my previous post on Sunday Night Reflections:
Here's my previous post on Sunday Night Reflections:
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