Sunday Night Reflections

It is exactly the same month last year since I last posted something on this blog. 

Hoping I can improve this blog site in the future. Anyway, I always wanted to write and post a series of personal reflections every sunday night. After a day of ministry, after every word God has allowed me to preached, after all the lights are out, after a very blessed sunday service, I always wanted to write down my thoughts and sometimes my after thoughts on how the day has been. So here's a start. Hope I can be consistent on this every sunday night. But here's what I am thinking. Here's what I'm personally reflecting about.   

While driving on my way to meet my sister and my dad for his birthday. I was thinking about this truth. Yes it is a shocking truth that I can't get out my heart. It's like a song (actually it is!) that's on loop. Although I never really wanted it to stop. This is probably one of the most, if not the most amazing verse there is for me. It is the most amazing but at the same time the most unthinkable,unimaginable and unbelievable. 

Psalm 103:10-12
He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Let that sink into your heart for a moment. I don't know about you, but for me, that's crazy!
That's how much God loves you and me. It's a lavish kind of love! 

As high as the heavens are above. As far as the east is from the west. In short, it is without end! It's a love that never fails! It's a love only Jesus can give. 

We deserve every bad thing that can happen in our lives because of our sins yet He does not treat us as our sins deserve! Woah! Wait there's more, or even repay us according to our mistakes done against Him. 

No one will ever love us like Jesus. Even the last breath Jesus breathed was for us. He will meet us wherever we are. He's not intimidated by our past, failures, experiences in life, and even our achievements in life. 

Whatever you're dealing today and whatever it is that's stopping you from coming to the love of God for you. I hope this encourages you;

If there's a mountain of shame in front of you right now, 
nothing is as high as His love for you.
If you're facing a big wall of failures and mistakes, 
nothing is as wide as His love for you. 

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